Lawn Care

Japanese Beetles will wreak havoc and may eventually kill your trees! BHLCo can stop them BEFORE they become a problem!
You have either worked very hard to produce and maintain a beautiful lawn and landscaping; or you have paid good money to hire professionals to do the job. Either way, the devastation that can occur to your lawn and plantlife, from an insect infestation, is enough to make you bug out!!
Whether it’s insects, or underground varmint, understanding where they come from and why they are attacking your grounds is critical in determining a course of action to get rid of ’em!
For example; that pesky mole that has been terrorizing your yard, leaving hills and holes wherever he goes, is only trying to eat! Take away his food source, or exterminate his food source before he ever enters your yard, and he will have no desire to be in your yard at all!
It just so happens, that one of his favorite meals, and likely what has attracted him to your yard, is beetle larvae. The same larvae that has been feeding on the roots of your grass, will soon manifest into a beetle, and then feed on your tree foliage! The answer is quite simple: start at the bottom of the food chain, and get the best of those pest!
Grass Master Lawn Care & Grounds Control of Hudson and River Falls, can treat your lawn, trees and shrubs, with environmentally sound pesticides that will wipe out your infestations. We have the knowledge and experience to identify where infestations are occurring, or where they might occur, and the methods to prevent or eliminate your pest infestation.
Grass Master Lawn Care & Grounds Control LLC. is dedicated to outstanding customer satisfaction! We achieve this by delivering an outstanding product through utilizing leading industry practices with top quality products and materials. Don’t settle for less than you deserve! Grass Master; The MASTER, on ALL Grounds!!